NeXTSTEP 3.1 (Developer) [x86]
NeXT Step 3.1 Intel dev.cdr.dmg
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353 lines
* Main Delegate
* Author: Kris Younger, NeXT Systems Engineering
* You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example.
* NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to
* its fitness for any particular use.
#import "MainDelegate.h"
#import "GlobalThings.h"
#import "Transaction.h"
#import "LedgerController.h"
#import <ansi/time.h>
#import <objc/hashtable.h>
@implementation MainDelegate
- findAccount:sender
char *name;
id matrix;
int i;
name = (char *)[editField stringValue];
if ([self getAccountNamed:name] != nil) {
matrix = [listBrowser matrixInColumn:0];
for (i = [matrix cellCount]; i--;)
if (!strcmp(name, [[matrix cellAt:i :0] stringValue])) {
[matrix selectCellAt:i :0];
[self pickAccount:listBrowser];
return self;
- addAccount:sender
id newRM, firstx;
int h;
const char *aName;
id accountStore;
aName = [editField stringValue];
if ([accountsStoreDirectory hasEntryNamed:aName] == NO) {
[accountsStoreDirectory getBlock:&h andStore:&accountStore];
[accountStore startTransaction];
[accountsStoreDirectory addEntryNamed:aName ofClass:[IXRecordManager class]];
newRM = [accountsStoreDirectory openEntryNamed:aName];
[self addAllAttributes:newRM];
[accountsHashTable insertKey:aName value:newRM];
/* post an original transaction */
firstx = [[Transaction alloc] init];
[firstx setTMemo:"Initial Value."];
[firstx setTAmount:0.0];
h = [newRM addRecord:firstx];
[accountStore commitTransaction];
} else {
NXRunAlertPanel("Alert", "An account by that name already exists.", "OK", NULL, NULL);
return nil;
[self ping:self];
return self;
- appDidInit:sender
if ([self openDatabase]) {
} else {
[self initSchema];
[self openDatabase];
[self makeListKey:self];
return self;
- appWillTerminate:sender
[self closeDatabase];
return self;
- closeAccount:sender
id ledger;
[self findAccount:sender];
if ((currentAccount != NULL) && (currentAccount != nil)) {
if ([ledgersHashTable isKey:currentAccountName] == YES) {
ledger = [ledgersHashTable valueForKey:currentAccountName];
[ledgersHashTable removeKey:currentAccountName];
[(LedgerController *) ledger closeAccount:self];
[(LedgerController *) ledger free];
return self;
- doubleClickAccount:sender
[self pickAccount:sender];
[self openAccount:sender];
return self;
- makeListKey:sender
[listBrowser loadColumnZero];
[listBrowser setDoubleAction:@selector(doubleClickAccount:)];
[listWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
[editField selectText:self];
return self;
- openAccount:sender
id newAccount;
[self findAccount:sender];
if ((currentAccount != NULL) && (currentAccount != nil)) {
if ([ledgersHashTable isKey:currentAccountName] == YES) {
[(id)[ledgersHashTable valueForKey:currentAccountName] makeKey:self];
} else {
newAccount = [[LedgerController alloc] initWith:currentAccount
[ledgersHashTable insertKey:currentAccountName value:newAccount];
[newAccount makeKey:self];
return self;
- ping:sender
[self makeListKey:sender];
return self;
- pickAccount:sender
BOOL isSelected;
isSelected = NO;
currentAccount = [self getAccountNamed:[[[sender matrixInColumn:0] selectedCell] stringValue]];
if ((currentAccount != NULL) && (currentAccount != nil)) {
isSelected = YES;
currentAccountName = [[[sender matrixInColumn:0] selectedCell] stringValue];
currentAccountName = NXUniqueString(currentAccountName);
if (isSelected == YES) {
[openButton setEnabled:YES];
[closeButton setEnabled:YES];
[editField setStringValue:currentAccountName];
[removeButton setEnabled:YES];
} else {
[addButton setEnabled:NO];
[removeButton setEnabled:NO];
[openButton setEnabled:NO];
[closeButton setEnabled:NO];
return self;
- removeAccount:sender
id account;
id accountStore;
unsigned block;
[self closeAccount:self];
if ((currentAccount != NULL) && (currentAccount != nil)) {
if ((account = [self getAccountNamed:currentAccountName]) != nil) {
[accountsStoreDirectory getBlock:&block andStore:&accountStore];
[accountStore startTransaction];
[accountsStoreDirectory removeName:currentAccountName];
[accountsHashTable removeKey:currentAccountName];
[account freeFromStore];
[accountStore commitTransaction];
[self ping:self];
return self;
- (const char *)todaysDate
char buffer[32];
struct tm *timeptr;
time_t timer;
timeptr = localtime(&timer);
strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%m/%d/%y", timeptr);
return NXUniqueString(buffer);
- (int)consumeSerial
return [globalThings consumeSerial];
- (int)browser:b fillMatrix:m inColumn:(int)c
int cnt;
int i;
id t;
if (list)
list = [self listOfAccountNames];
i = cnt = 0;
if (list != NULL)
while (list[i]) {
[m addRow];
t = [m cellAt:i :0];
[t setStringValue:list[i]];
[t setLoaded:YES];
[t setLeaf:YES];
cnt += 1;
i += 1;
return cnt;
- initSchema
id tmpSC;
int handle;
/* create main Archive */
NXRunAlertPanel("Welcome.", "Creating Ledger.store.", "OK", NULL, NULL);
mainStoreDirectory = [[IXStoreDirectory alloc]
initWithName:"Archive" inFile:"Ledger.store"];
[mainStoreDirectory getBlock:&handle andStore:&mainStoreHandle];
if ([mainStoreDirectory hasEntryNamed:"Accounts"] == NO) {
accountsStoreDirectory = [mainStoreDirectory
addEntryNamed:"Accounts" ofClass:[IXStoreDirectory class]];
if ([mainStoreDirectory hasEntryNamed:"Globals"] == NO) {
tmpSC = [mainStoreDirectory addEntryNamed:"Globals" ofClass:[IXRecordManager class]];
[tmpSC addAttributeNamed:"Globals" forSelector:@selector(identification)];
globalThings = (GlobalThings *)[[GlobalThings alloc] init];
[tmpSC addRecord:globalThings];
/* the following two lines enable transactions in the storeFile. */
[mainStoreHandle startTransaction];
[mainStoreHandle commitTransaction];
[mainStoreDirectory free];
return self;
- openDatabase
int handle;
id cursor;
if (mainStoreDirectory = [[IXStoreDirectory alloc] initFromName:"Archive"
inFile:"Ledger.store" forWriting:YES]) {
[mainStoreDirectory getBlock:&handle andStore:&mainStoreHandle];
[mainStoreHandle startTransaction];
[mainStoreHandle commitTransaction];
if ([mainStoreDirectory hasEntryNamed:"Accounts"] == YES) {
accountsStoreDirectory = [mainStoreDirectory openEntryNamed:"Accounts"];
if ([mainStoreDirectory hasEntryNamed:"Globals"] == YES) {
globalThingsRecordManager = [mainStoreDirectory openEntryNamed:"Globals"];
cursor = [globalThingsRecordManager cursorForAttributeNamed:"Globals"];
if ([cursor setKey:(void *)GLOBALVARIDENT
andLength:(strlen(GLOBALVARIDENT) + 1)] == YES) {
handle = [cursor setFirstHandle];
globalThings = [globalThingsRecordManager readRecord:handle fromZone:[self zone]];
[cursor free];
accountsHashTable = [[HashTable alloc] initKeyDesc:"*"];
ledgersHashTable = [[HashTable alloc] initKeyDesc:"*"];
if (mainStoreDirectory == nil)
return nil;
return self;
- closeDatabase
[mainStoreHandle startTransaction];
[globalThingsRecordManager replaceRecord:[globalThings handle] with:globalThings];
[mainStoreHandle commitTransaction];
[mainStoreDirectory free];
return self;
- (char **)listOfAccountNames
return [accountsStoreDirectory entries];
- getAccountNamed:(const char *)aName
id account = nil;
if ([accountsStoreDirectory hasEntryNamed:aName] == YES) {
aName = NXUniqueString(aName);
if ((account = [accountsHashTable valueForKey:aName]) == nil) {
if ((account = [accountsStoreDirectory openEntryNamed:aName]) != nil)
[accountsHashTable insertKey:aName value:account];
return account;
- (BOOL)textWillChange:textObject
[addButton setEnabled:YES];
return NO;
- (BOOL)textWillEnd:textObject
[self findAccount:listBrowser];
[self openAccount:listBrowser];
return NO;
- textDidChange:textObject
currentAccount = nil;
currentAccountName = NULL;
return self;
- addAllAttributes:aRecMgr
[mainStoreHandle startTransaction];
[aRecMgr addAttributeNamed:"tSerial" forSelector:@selector(tSerial)];
[aRecMgr addAttributeNamed:"tNumber" forSelector:@selector(tNumber)];
[aRecMgr addAttributeNamed:"tDate" forSelector:@selector(tDate)];
[aRecMgr addAttributeNamed:"tMemo" forSelector:@selector(tMemo)];
[aRecMgr addAttributeNamed:"tDebit" forSelector:@selector(tDebit)];
[aRecMgr addAttributeNamed:"tCredit" forSelector:@selector(tCredit)];
[mainStoreHandle commitTransaction];
return self;